The Digital Official Statistics Library aims to bring together publications from the entire Official Statistical Service: publications by INSEE and from all the Ministerial Statistical Departments. 11 Ministerial Statistical Departments are currently part of the BNSP, together with the National Council for Statistical Information.
INSEE - French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies
INSEE’s publications cover the fields of statistics, economics, demographics and social sciences. Here, you can find both publications from the institutions that preceded INSEE (including the Statistique Générale de la France) and the latest national and regional publications, published on
Fonds patrimonial numérisé de la bibliothèque Alain Desrosières
La bibliothèque de l'Insee Alain Desrosières est spécialisée dans les domaines de l'économie, de la statistique et des sciences sociales. Elle a été créée en 1946 au même moment que l'Insee (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques). Ses missions consistent à fournir aux agents de l'Insee la documentation dont ils ont besoin, à conserver l'ensemble des publications de l'Insee et à donner accès à ses collections à un public élargi.
CNIS - National Council for Statistical Information
The National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS) facilitates interactions between the producers and users of Official Statistics. It highlights new needs, using a forward-looking approach. Thus it helps to develop a programme of statistical work and surveys each year in line with the needs of the stakeholders, in order to understand society in the social and economic fields. See the publications.
The Department of Statistics and Foresight Analysis (SSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food collaborates with the Regional Departments of Statistical and Economic Information (SRISE) within the Regional Offices for Food, Agriculture and Forestry to produce statistics and disseminate survey results, studies, reports and economic diagnostics.
The Department of Statistics and Foresight Analysis is also responsible for fostering and promoting the development of ministerial considerations in the fields of economics, social issues and the environment. In particular, it is responsible for assessments and forecasting work within the ministry.
Its major fields of expertise are agriculture, forestry, food-processing industries, land use and the environment in rural areas.
The Department of Local Studies and Statistics (DESL) is the Ministerial Statistical department of the Directorate-General of Local Authorities (DGCL), under the Ministry for Territorial Cohesion. As such it collects, processes, analyses and provides statistical information on finances, taxation, staff and structures of regional authorities and their groups.
It also contributes to various simulations and impact assessments associated with draft laws relating to local authorities.
Le service statistique ministériel du commerce extérieur est le Département des statistiques et des études du commerce extérieur (DSECE). Le DSECE fait partie de la Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects (DGDDI) du ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique. Il a en charge le suivi des échanges extérieurs de la France en termes de biens.
Le DSECE produit des analyses en particulier sur l'évolution de la balance commerciale de la France. Il réalise, pour son propre compte ou pour celui d'autres sous-directions du ministère, ou encore en partenariat avec d'autres administrations économiques, des études et analyses à caractère économique.
Le service statistique ministériel de la culture est le Département des études, de la prospective, des statistiques et de la documentation (DEPS).
Le DEPS est rattaché au Secrétariat général du ministère de la Culture.
Sa compétence couvre tous les domaines de la vie culturelle : architecture, archives, bibliothèques, musées, cinéma, livres, musique, théâtre, danse, arts plastiques, patrimoine.
The Economic Observatory for Defence (OED), attached to the Ministry for the Armed Forces, conducts economic and statistical defence analyses with the aim of piloting and promoting work in this area.
The OED, as a ministerial statistical department, is also responsible for collecting statistical information on defence resources.
The defence statistical yearbook compiles some of these data each year.
The OED also carries out economic studies. These are partly for internal purposes, intended for the various ministerial offices.
Some of the studies are also the subject of publications, especially in the EcoDef defence sector economic bulletin.
In addition, the OED launches and coordinates studies with external service providers on major economic issues for defence.
The Data and Statistical Studies Department for climate change, energy, the environment, housing and transport (SDES) is the ministerial statistical department of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition.
The SDES’s aim is to organise the observation and statistical system in the areas of housing, construction, transport, energy, the environment and sustainable development, in conjunction with interested national, European and international institutes.
The SDES performs the functions of a statistical office for the ministries in charge of the environment, energy, construction, housing and transport.
The Directorate of Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance Monitoring (DEPP) is both a department of the ministry of national education and the ministerial statistical office responsible for statistics on education. It is therefore part of the French and European Official Statistics system. DEPP follows the European Statistics Code of Practice (independence, integrity and responsibility). Its activities are overseen by the French Official Statistics Authority.
The Information Systems and Statistical Studies Sub-Directorate (SIES), attached to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, provides numerous statistical indicators to the general public each year, in line with its mission as the ministerial statistical office for higher education and research.
La Sous-direction des études, des statistiques et des systèmes d’information (SDessi) est le service statistique ministériel de la fonction publique. Elle est rattachée à la Direction générale de l'administration et de la fonction publique (DGAFP) au sein du ministère de la Transformation et de la Fonction publiques.
La SDessi assure chaque année plusieurs opérations de collecte et de synthèse de données sur la fonction publique, gérées et produites principalement par les DRH des ministères (y compris leurs établissements publics).
Les données statistiques et les études sur les trois versants de la fonction publique : emploi public, rémunérations, pensions de retraite, santé et sécurité au travail et gestion des ressources humaines sont élaborées et diffusées par une série de publications – Rapport annuel sur l'état de la fonction publique, Stats Rapides - et par la mise en ligne de données.
The Department of Studies, Statistics and Documentation (DSED) of the Ministry of the Interior collects, analyses and disseminates statistical data on the public policies of the directorate-general; it is associated with collecting and analysing data on the population.
In line with the European Statistics Code of Practice, this ministerial statistical office establishes a publication schedule for annual data in the field of migration and international protection.
The Office of Industrial Studies and Statistics (SESSI) is the former Ministerial Statistical Office for Industry, which was attached to the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry. Today, it is attached to INSEE.
The Office of Industrial Studies and Statistics designs and implements the statistical survey and study system in the areas of the extractive and manufacturing industries, energy, communication technology and industrial services.
The National Institute of Youth and Non-Formal Education (INJEP) comprises the ministerial statistical office responsible for youth and sports and, as such, works with INSEE to implement a programme of statistical productions and studies, the results of which are used to inform public policies in the areas of youth, community life and sport.
The Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) is a directorate of the central administration of the Ministry for Solidarity and Health. It is part of the Official Statistical Service. Its mission is to provide public decision-makers, citizens, and economics and social managers with reliable information and analyses on the population and health and social policies.
The Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI) was created in 2014 within the Ministry of the Interior.
Its missions are:
To assist the police and gendarmerie in achieving their missions, by providing statistical information on crime, its context and the impact of public policies;
o provide the general public with statistical data and analyses on internal security and crime, in compliance with the technical and ethical rules of reliability and neutrality of official statistics.
The Interstats website is the main channel for disseminating this information.
The Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics (DARES) is responsible, in conjunction with INSEE, for ensuring the regular and reliable production of statistics of use to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Labour-Market Integration and social stakeholders (social partners, regional councils, the public employment service, the financial and social press) in the areas of labour, employment and professional training.